Resume email — 8 examples and template

At some point during your career you’ll need to send your resume by email. Here's how you do it.

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Are you searching for a job? Thinking of applying?

Either way, at some point, you’ll need to send your resume by email.

When sending an email with a resume attached, you’ll need to ensure your message is targeted at the right person, provides all the information you need and hits the right tone of voice. 

How to email a resume

You might be wondering, what should I write in an email when sending a resume? That's what we show you in this guide on how to email a resume.

After going over the basic principles and essential things to note about emailing a resume, you can see 8 examples of resume business email templates.

business email template

What to write in an email when sending a resume

For each job, US employers can expect to receive around 250 resumes. Naturally, they’re looking for reasons to discard them. Informal emails, spelling mistakes, and grammar slip-ups will see your email filed under “Junk”.

Great resume emails are simple, straightforward and easy to understand. They’re not overly funny or attempt to be friendly. But they are professional and provide a little glimpse into your personality. 

The purpose of your email is simply to give the recruiter enough information so that they are encouraged to open your resume. This isn’t a cover letter, so you don’t need to go into vast levels of detail about who you are and why you’re applying, but a short “elevator pitch” is appropriate. 

10 things to include in every resume email 

Here’s a checklist of 10 things you should write in an email when sending a resume:

  1. Short introduction of yourself
  2. Statement about the position you are applying for (to avoid any misunderstanding!)
  3. Brief “elevator pitch” about why you should be considered for the position
  4. Previous experience with similar roles or relevant results of similar jobs
  5. Relevant personal information (more on this in the email format section)
  6. Contact details (including preference)
  7. Helpful information (such as if you’re going on holiday in the next few days, for example)
  8. Offer to answer any questions that the recruiter might have (about interview dates, for example)
  9. Request for information on the next steps
  10. And remember to attach your cover letter and resume!

Should you send a resume by email?

The answer is 100% yes. Sure, in many cases, you can submit your resume through an online form, so why should you send your resume by email?

Firstly, it creates a personal connection between you and the recruiter. You’ve taken the initiative to email them, and that’s more effective than the anonymity of a web form. 

Secondly, you’re not constrained by character counts. That means you can go into as much detail as you wish (as we explain below, don’t overload the recruiter with too much information). 

Thirdly, establishing a dialogue through email enables you to send follow-up emails if you need to – and in many cases, you will need to. Even the best-planned recruitment processes can be hit by delays, so be prepared to send a follow-up (and use our guide to help!).

Use a professional email address for your resume

Like it or not, your email address is an integral part of your first impression and silly email addresses can harm your chances of getting a job, say the experts. It takes seconds to set up a new online email account, so why put your job search success at risk? 

Some people use their work email accounts to send out resume emails. While it’s not a no-no, it’s risky. Someone may inadvertently see the message, or in certain cases, may find silly email addresses as offensive. So it's best to put your best foot forward and go with a professional email.

Sending resume email format

Hiring managers and executives are busy people, so you want to keep your email short and sweet. By stripping your messages back to the basics, they’re quicker and easier to write – which means you can spend more time searching for jobs!

When sending a resume email, use a professional format like this:

  • Resume email subject line
  • Greeting
  • Email body (following our top 10 tips for effective resume emails)
  • Sign-off
  • Signature

Let’s look at the critical aspects of every resume email in more detail.

1. Subject line for resume email

Your resume email is a critical part of the process. Some online guides suggest you try to be friendly or funny, but don’t. Instead, please stick to the basics, keep things simple and make it easy for anyone to understand what your email is about. 

Here are some principles for effective resume email subject lines:

  • Label your email “Job application” or “Application for”
  • Include the job title in the subject line
  • Add a reference number

Here’s how this can work in practice:

  • Job application – Marketing Director – REF000111
  • Application for Marketing Director – REF000111
  • Resume attached – Marketing Director position – REF000111

Of course, you can experiment and develop your own resume email subject lines. In some industries, the creative sector, you may be bolder. 

2. Email body for sending resume

The email body is where you go into details about who you are, what job you’re applying for, and why. We’ve detailed the critical parts in include in your email body above, but as a brief recap, every resume email should include the following:

  • Introduction to you
  • Details of the job you’re applying for (including a reference number)
  • A short explanation of why you’re applying
  • Any other information 

It sounds like a lot, but you can cover it in a few short sentences. See our resume email examples below to see how we’ve achieved this. 

3. How to end a resume email

The end of your resume email is your opportunity to offer to answer any questions and ask about the next stage in the process. 

As well as a closing statement, you should provide the essential information the recruiter might need. Always end your resume email with the following:

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Relevant social media links, like LinkedIn and Twitter
  • Attach your cover letter and resume

4. Best resume email closings and sign-offs

Resume emails aren’t about being cool but clear, polite, and professional. Go with a classic email sign-off such as “look forward to hearing from you” or “kind regards”, and avoid exciting endings and exclamation marks (“Thanks!!!”).

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Need to write a great resume email? Try MailMaestro for free!

MailMaestro can help you draft a professional resume email in seconds. One of our standout features is the Improve existing email option. You can input your draft and MailMaestro's AI email assistant will refine it, making it more professional, concise, and compelling.

🪄 MailMaestro tip:

Use MailMaestro's Improve existing email feature. Customize any of the email examples below to suit your needs. Or, enter a quick sentence explaining the message you'd like to convey. After filling in the placeholders, use MailMaestro's Improve existing email option. Then, paste your draft into the text box. Make sure to select your preferred email tone and length. And just like that, you'll have a polished email ready to send!

8 resume email samples

We’ve unpacked the basics of a great resume email. Now it’s our chance to show you how to put everything into practice with 8 resume email samples.

We’ve tried to provide sample resume emails that cover several common situations. These templates include the essential hints and tips we’ve developed. 

Templates are great ways to learn how to format messages, but be sure to adapt and update these resume emails before sending them.

1. Sample email to send resume for job

This is a standard sample email for sending a resume for a job. This is a classic template that suits all circumstances, services, and sectors.

It’s not the most exciting, but it’s quick and easy to adapt, meaning you can send more applications faster. More applications mean more chances to secure a new job.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name) and I’m applying for the position of (job name). I have attached a copy of my resume with this email.

I’ve worked in the industry for (X) years and have a considerable amount of transferable experience. I’ve read the job description and feel I have the skills and expertise to excel in the role.

The role of (job name) is a huge opportunity in an incredible organization, and I am excited to apply.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me (insert contact details). Can you confirm that you have received this email and let me know about the next steps in the process.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

2. Sample email to send resume to recruiter

Recruiters can include those working in job agencies, internal recruiters and HR partners.

The flow of information is the same as the standard template above, but we add more detail about essentials that recruiters will need, including start dates, notice periods, and leave.

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name), and I’m applying for the position of (job name). I have attached my resume to this email.

I’ve reviewed the job description and feel I have all the critical skills, including all professional qualifications. You’ll also find details of my previous roles and current position.

My salary expectations for the role are (insert details).

Can you explain how the process works and what the following stages will be?

You can contact me on (insert details). I look forward to hearing from you about how we move forward with my application.
(Your name)

3. Simple sample email to send resume for job

If you have already had an interview with the company and you were asked to send a resume, keep it brief and simple. Sending a resume before an interview provides some vital background information and context for the company, so it’s worth doing if you can. 

Hi (Recipient's name),

My name is (name), and I’m scheduled to attend an interview for the (job name) position on (date)

Before I come to meet you, I thought I'd provide some background information on my previous experience and professional qualifications. I've attached my resume to this email which I hope you and the panel will get a chance to review.

If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them during my interview.

I’m looking forward to meeting you and learning more about this fantastic role.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

4. Sample follow-up email after sending resume

As we’ve explained, you’ll likely have to send many resumes before securing a response or an interview.

If you’re excited about a position or want to understand the next steps in the process, here’s a sample follow-up email after sending a resume that you can use.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I recently sent you a copy of my CV in application for the post of (job name).

The application deadline has now passed, so I am contacting you to ask whether you have made any decisions on who to interview.

I’m excited about the role and believe my skills and experience make me an excellent candidate.

Please let me know what the next steps in the process are. If you need to contact me, email is usually best. My email address is (insert address).

Thank you in advance,
(Your name)

5. Sample email cover letter with attached resume

Some recruiters and some companies will request a cover letter alongside a resume. When this is the case, you can assume the recruiter will read your cover letter, which means your email can be much shorter and more precise.

There’s no need to go into much detail about why you’re passionate about the position. See what we mean in this sample email cover letter with the attached resume.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’m applying for the position of (job name) at (company).

As requested in the job description, please find my resume attached alongside a cover letter. In my cover letter, I explain why I am applying for the position, my previous experience and salary expectations.

If you have any questions, you can call me at any time on (insert number) or email me at (insert address).

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

6. Thank you for considering my resume email sample

Some job seekers stop contact when they receive a no. Others will send a thank you email for considering a resume, which can establish a relationship. Here’s a classic “thank you for considering my resume” email sample.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for considering my resume for the position of (job title) at (company name).

While I was disappointed at not being shortlisted for the interview, I understand the reasons. I want to stay in contact with you if possible and ask that you kindly send me details of any future opportunities that you feel I may be suitable for.

My preferred email address is (insert details)

You are more than welcome to keep my CV on file and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

7. Asking someone to review your resume email sample

Writing a resume isn’t easy, and after spending days poring over the details, it’s often a good idea to get someone else to check it before you send it. So here’s a sample email asking for someone to review your resume.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thanks for offering to review a copy of my CV! I’ve attached my CV to this email.

If you want, you can make changes to my CV, or let me know if it’s easier to schedule a call to go through it. You should have all my details, but if you don’t, it’s (insert details).

Really appreciate all your help.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

8. Sample how to respond to a resume received email

If you’re a manager or recruiter, you’ll probably have to send hundreds of emails responding to resumes. Here’s a standard professional sample response that you can cut and paste.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for sending me your email for the (insert job role) position.

The deadline for all applications is (insert date). After this date, we will review all CVs and contact those who have been successful at getting through to the next stage.

We will be in touch with an update in due course.

Many thanks,
(Your name)
formal resignation letter

Best email template for sending resume

You’ve read our 8 sample resume samples, but we’ve saved the ultimate email for last. Here’s the best email template for sending a resume by email. 

Hi (Recipient's name),

I have attached my resume for the position of (insert details).

You’ll find details of my previous work experience, professional qualifications and personal qualities in my CV. I’ve reviewed the job description and believe I meet all the essential requirements.

I’ve researched your company, am fascinated about your journey, and am excited about your future. I would be honored to play a part in that.

Please can you confirm that you have received this email? If you have any questions, contact me (insert details).

I await to hear of the next steps.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

Why Sending Professional Resume Emails Are Important

The importance of these email templates for sending resumes cannot be overstated. They not only provide a structured and professional framework for communication but also enhance your chances of making a positive impression. These templates guide you in making a professional inquiry, following up on applications, and acknowledging referrals effectively.

Additionally, always use a professional business email address to ensure your communications appear legitimate and trustworthy.

Further streamline your emailing process and personalize these templates efficiently by downloading the free AI email assistant, MailMaestro.

Final words on sending your resume via email

If you’re searching for a job, you’ll spend lots of time sending out your resume. By breaking things down into chunks, it’s easier to apply them in practice.

When you come to write your resume emails, remember to follow our top tips, be professional and provide some insight into your personality.

You’ll likely experience rejection when sending out your resume, but don’t be disheartened. Your perfect job could be an email away!

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