How to reply to email from boss — 10 examples & template

Replying to email from your boss effectively is critical. Use these 10 examples to send better reply emails.

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How to reply to an email from your boss

Everyone has a boss, right?

If you do, it’s almost certain you’ll need to reply to all kinds of emails, but are you doing it effectively?

For example, you might receive an email thanking you for your work, asking you to do something, or even complaining about something.

Whatever the reason, the ability to reply quickly, concisely, and clearly will benefit you and your career. 

In this blog post, we provide 10 examples of how to reply to an email from your boss. These samples cover most of the reasons you’ll need to email your boss and can be cut, pasted, and messaged to your manager.

Here's how our AI email assistant, MailMaestro can write your reply emails for you:

Writing better reply emails

We’re not going to go into massive detail here about how to structure emails, start them, or end them. Why? Because we’ve already done it. You can check out some essential guides with these links:

We’ve also created the world’s biggest guide on emailing your boss, so be sure to check that out as well!

5 Tips for writing the best reply emails

Before we dive into the reply to your boss samples, here’s a simple tick list to help you write better messages to your manager.

  1. Ask first: Do you need to send a reply? – Acknowledging an email is polite, but ask yourself if it’s necessary. If the request is simple, just get on and do it. You can then tell your boss the job has been done.
  2. If you do, send your email quickly – It’s best to email back as soon as possible, say experts. It stops you from missing an email and shows your boss that you’re on the ball. 
  3. Keep things simple – Bosses are busy people and won’t want to wade through lengthy emails to get to the bit that matters. Sometimes, even a few lines will be better than a long (and probably boring) message. 
  4. Acknowledge the significance If your boss has delivered good or bad news, accepting and acknowledging it is critical. But you must go further and explain what you’ll do with the information. You can see in the samples below what we mean, but it’s about using the feedback from your boss – whether good or bad – to improve your work.
  5. Be polite and proofread It sounds weird to say it, but sometimes we can send messages without checking them, which can be dangerous. They may be too informal or impolite. They may also contain spelling or grammar errors that can muddy the message. Take time to check all emails to your boss before sending them. 

10 reply to boss email samples

We’ve covered the basics of sending messages to your manager; now, we’re ready to show you how with our 10 reply to boss samples.

These examples of how to reply to your boss cover several everyday situations you’ll find yourself requested to respond to.

When reading through these examples, personalize them to your particular request. Only you know your boss, so be sure to create replies that reflect your personality and theirs.

1. How to reply to appreciation email from boss sample

If your boss has sent you an email to appreciate something you’ve done, you must reply. It’s lovely when someone says thank you, and let’s hope it happens all the time.

When it does, here is a sample email to reply to your boss for their appreciation.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your recent email. It’s wonderful to know that the work that I am doing is having a positive impact on the business and the team.

Your email means a lot to me, and it is something that I will keep.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

2. How to reply to a thank you email from a boss sample

If your boss has taken the time to say thanks, the least we can do is respond in the right way. First, you’ll want to acknowledge receiving the email and explain why it matters. 

This is how you reply to a thank you email from your boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

I’ve just received your email thanking me, and I would like to express how happy I am that I am making a positive impact.

I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to email me, and it will inspire me to do more for the business.

(Your name)

3. How to respond to a welcome email from a new boss sample

You’re starting a new job and received a welcome email from your new boss? Firstly, it’s great that your boss has gone out of their way to message you.

So, you’ll want to respond correctly and here’s how in our sample email response to a welcome from your boss.

Dear (Recipient's name),

Thank you for the warm welcome! It was great to receive your email and to learn a little more about you and the team.

I’ve worked at (old company) as the (job title) for (how many years). I believe this experience will be valuable in my new role here at (new company.

If there is anything that I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

I look forward to meeting you on my first day.

(Your name)

4. How to reply to feedback email from boss examples

Giving and receiving feedback is fundamental to having a job and making a career. So whether your boss is providing feedback from a client (like we’re doing here), positive personal feedback, or negative feedback, here’s how you can respond politely and professionally.

4.1. How to reply to a positive feedback email from a boss sample

Positive feedback is like a virtual pat on the back. It’s going to make us feel good. You’ll want to acknowledge the compliment, respect your boss for sending it and explain how it’ll help you in the future.

It sounds hard, but it’s easy with our template on how to respond to positive feedback from your boss.


Thanks for your feedback on (details). I value your experience and insight, and knowing you are impressed with what I have done is positive.

I’ll use your feedback to help me improve what I do and continue to deliver more for the business.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

4.2. How to reply to a negative feedback email from a boss sample

Receiving negative feedback is never easy, but it's part and parcel of being employed. It’s not the feedback that matters here; it’s how you deal with it. If you feel it’s fair, acknowledge it and explain how you’ll use it to improve in the future.

This is the approach we take in this sample email responding to negative feedback from your boss.


Thank you for your recent email. I respect you for taking the time to message me with your concerns.

(You should now respond to the issues here. We can’t help you with that, but be simple and straightforward, and do everything you can to remove emotions from your replies.)

I will use the feedback that you have provided to help me improve my performance.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

5. How to reply to a congratulations email from a boss sample

A congrats email sends a clear signal that you’re doing something right, so keep doing it! In this sample reply to a congratulations email from your boss, we show we’re a team player, taking the compliments but staying loyal to your colleagues. This is a valuable template if you’re leading your own delivery team. 

Hello (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your email congratulations, it means a lot to me.

Our team is outstanding, and performance is only made possible by everyone's contribution, so our success is shared.

I’ll continue working as hard as possible to deliver for the team.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

6. How to respond to a complimentary email from your boss sample

Complimentary emails cover almost every situation. For example, it might be that you’ve delivered an excellent presentation, managed a great event, or have a positive presence in the office.

How you’ll use feedback to improve your work? Here’s a great boss compliment email reply you can use.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Many thanks for your recent email and your compliments about my work. I put a lot of effort into the work I do at (company name), and it’s highly appreciated to have this recognized by you.

Please let me know if you have any additional feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

7. How to reply to a complaint email from a boss sample

Receiving a complaint is never easy, but you need to engage with it head-on.

In this example of how to reply to a complaint email from your boss, you need to accept it, say you’ll learn from it and explain what will change. 

Here’s our complaint from boss reply sample. 

Dear (Recipient's name),

I was disappointed to receive your email detailing a complaint against me. While I have read the email and understand the issues, I would like to respond to them here.

(Insert your response)

Any complaint is difficult to receive, and while I’m upset with it, I will learn from it and improve.

Please don’t hesitate to arrange a meeting if you would like to go through this further. Otherwise, I’ll continue working as hard as possible for the company, and I'm motivated to make things right.

Kind regards,
(Your name)

8. How to reply to apology email from boss sample

Sometimes it won’t be you who has got things wrong; it’s your boss. In this instance, you’ll need to acknowledge the apology and respond.

It takes strength to admit you’re wrong and, whatever your boss has done, apologizing for it is a big thing for them. So here’s how to reply to an apology email from your boss.

Dear (Recipient's name),

Thank you for your recent email and apology. While not necessary, it was very much appreciated.

I understand the effort it takes to apologize, and I express my thanks you have done so. Hopefully, we can learn and move on from this.

Many thanks,
(Your name)

9. How to reply to a farewell email from a boss sample

Your boss is leaving, which could be either a happy or sad occasion. It really depends on what they were like and your relationship.

You can simply go through the motions and wish them well or provide a more positive and detailed reply. In this example of how to reply to a farewell email from your boss, we do the latter. Let’s see how that works.

Hi (Recipient's name),

Thanks for your recent email. I’m sorry to hear that you are leaving but understand that you’ve accepted a new job and are moving on.

It’s been an enormous privilege to work with you, and I wanted to say how much I have enjoyed it.

You’ll be missed here, and we all wish you the best of luck in your new role. Let's stay in touch!

Kindest regards,
(Your name)

10. How to reply to an introduction to a new team member from a boss

It’s great to welcome new team members, and with this template, it’s easier than ever. Here’s how to reply to an introduction to a new team member email from your boss.

Hi (Recipient's name),

It’s great to hear we’ve got a new starter joining us! I’m looking forward to meeting (name) and will do everything that I can to welcome them to the team.

Please can you advise me if I need to make any preparations for their arrival? I’m happy to help with the induction process and support them settle in.

I look forward to hearing from you and meeting our new team member.

(Your name)

How to reply to your boss with MailMaestro

Most of the emails our bosses send us are quite repetitive and predictable. Do you ever wish you has an assistant to handle some of the burden?

This is where MailMaestro can help, like this:

It's the handiest tool to handle email overload and send quick replies to your boss. And the best part is that you can get started for free!

Final words

The ability to react and respond to an email from your boss is essential for everyone. We’ve all got a boss, and you’ll build a better relationship by responding quickly and decisively to their messages.

Of course, it’s not always easy to acknowledge emails from your boss, particularly if they’re delivering difficult feedback or making a complaint, but be brave and get typing (or copy and paste one of our templates!).

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